Category: Criminal Trial

Intimidation of a Witness/Victim Charges

Witness intimidation growing issue in Milwaukee If you read the news in Milwaukee, you’ve seen the countless stories over the past few years regarding the growing problem of witness intimidation.  Those stories have focused mainly on defendants who have tried to kill witnesses in their cases.  And although killing a witness is a rare event,…


Remember: you don’t have to talk to the police

At what point would our criminal defense attorneys challenge an illegal statement? Let’s assume that you provide a statement to police and we have some reason to challenge that statement.  For example, let’s assume the police failed to read your Miranda rights prior to an in-custody interrogation.  At which point in the criminal process do…


Can’t finish the bottle?  Take your wine home with you!

Contact one of our criminal defense attorneys for help: Should you have any questions about this law, contact one of our criminal defense lawyers at (414) 270-0202.  Our firm defends individuals accused of all drunk driving offenses.  Those include operating while intoxicated, operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration, drugged driving offenses, refusals, and all other…


Holiday Weekend Tips to Remember

Van Severen Law Office defends criminal cases throughout Wisconsin. The 4th of July is right around the corner.  It’s a good idea to keep an eye out for special enforcement of OWI/DUI offenses and offenses related to fireworks.  Here are a few reminders from our drunk driving and criminal defense law firm: Fireworks Possession of…


Criminal Carjacking Penalties May Increase

Carjacking penalties may increase in Wisconsin A bill proposed in the Wisconsin Senate looks to increase penalties for carjacking in Wisconsin.  Legislators said they proposed the bill because of the increased rate and brazenness of carjackings in Milwaukee.  This post will explore the current law and look at how the new law would increase the…


Jail Inquest in Milwaukee

Inquest into the death of Terrill Thomas: An inquest into the death of Terrill Thomas began last week and should conclude early this week in Milwaukee County.  What is an inquest and what is its purpose in this specific case?  This post examines the law regarding an inquest and why it was ordered.  Criminal defense…


2nd Degree Intentional Homicide Charge for Kenosha Student

15 year old Kenosha student charged with homicide A 15 year old Kenosha high school student faces  2nd degree intentional homicide charges.  Prosecutors allege Timothy Carson and a fellow classmate at Bradford High School were fighting over a girl and that they arranged a fight in a park.  While the fight didn’t occur as planned, an altercation…


Diversions and DPA’s Help to Avoid Convictions

Not all arrests result in convictions, or even criminal charges.  The obvious way to avoid a conviction is to take your case all the way to trial and have the jury return a not guilty verdict.  But some people can avoid a criminal conviction short of a trial even if they are arrested or investigated…


Explaining Bail in Wisconsin

If you are charged with a crime in Wisconsin, your first court appearance is called your initial appearance.  You will be notified of the charges against you and the court will likely set bail.  “Bail” is defined in Section 969.001 of the Wisconsin Statutes as “monetary conditions of release.” Section 969.01(1) states defendants arrested for…


Revocation Results in Prison Despite Not Guilty Verdict

How can someone be found not guilty by a jury of his peers and still be sent to prison?  Because he was on probation at the time he was charged with the crimes and his supervision was revoked.  Damien Payne took his felon in possession of a firearm and carrying a concealed weapon case to jury…

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