Wisconsin drunk driving laws in 2025

Wisconsin drunk driving laws in 2025: What are they?  Have the laws changed over the last year? Sometimes, state criminal laws change quickly.  Criminal drunk driving laws are no exception.  Prior to 2017, a fourth offense OWI was a misdemeanor in Wisconsin, so long as no prior drunk driving offense had occurred within the last…


How do I succeed on probation?

It’s important to succeed on probation.  How do you do it? Succeeding on probation certainly sounds easy.  Just follow the rules, right?  As criminal defense attorneys, we’ve seen all kinds of reasons that offenders have failed probation, extended supervision, and parole. And unfortunately, in all of those cases, the probation officer alleged that the offender…


CBD, THC, Delta-9, and Delta-8. What’s legal in Wisconsin?

Marijuana is illegal in Wisconsin.  What about substances like delta-8, delta-9, delta-10, and CBD? Years after the federal legalization of hemp-derived delta-9, Wisconsinites across the state have started to see advertisements for “legal weed.”  And once they take a look into these ads, they’re sometimes surprised to see that various companies across the United States…


Can I shoot down a drone that flies over my property?

Florida man shoots down a Walmart drone. On June 26, 2024, 72-year-old Dennis Winn of Lake County, FL was cleaning his pool when he reported hearing a “whirring” noise from the sky.  Winn spotted a drone above his home and retrieved his 9mm handgun from the house.  He fired once, hitting the drone, which then…


Don’t get towed – 2024 Milwaukee County winter parking laws, explained.

Milwaukee County winter parking laws start December 1, 2024.  Don’t get towed. Milwaukee County winter parking laws go into effect on December 1, 2024.  Different municipalities and neighborhoods have different rules, so we’ve compiled winter parking regulations from larger municipalities in this blog post for your convenience. Van Severen Law Office, S.C. is a criminal…


Where can felons work in Wisconsin?

You were convicted of a felony.  Now you’re wondering – where can felons work in Wisconsin?  (And the United States?) Whether and where felons can work is a polarizing topic for discussion.  Some people believe that it’s appropriate to ban felons from working for the rest of their lives.  These individuals think that a mistake…


Can felons vote in elections in Wisconsin?

What is voter disenfranchisement? Voter disenfranchisement refers to the practice of restricting or denying someone’s ability to vote.  Voter disenfranchisement can take many forms, including things we all share, like gender and age.  In other countries around the world, voter disenfranchisement is sometimes based on ethnicity or the area within a country an individual resides. …


Voter intimidation: what’s advocating for your candidate, and when is it criminal?

What if you’re just causing a ruckus about the election? Let’s consider an example.  You’re out for a night on Brady Street and after a few drinks you decide that you really, really need to start chanting the last name of your favorite politician.  Sure, it’s annoying, but this conduct isn’t necessarily criminal yet.  But…


What do I do if I’m arrested in Wisconsin? A criminal defense attorney’s perspective:

What happens when you’re arrested?  What tips can our criminal defense attorneys provide? Some of our clients aren’t surprised when they’re arrested.  But most are.  No matter your position in life, it’s an uncomfortable, sometimes scary scenario to be in.  As criminal defense attorneys, we regularly review police videos (body and squad car cameras) that…


Can Wisconsin parents be prosecuted for crimes their children commit?

Michigan Law – Involuntary manslaughter Prosecutors in Michigan argued the Crumbleys violated a law called involuntary manslaughter.  Wisconsin does not have a law called involuntary manslaughter, so let’s start by dissecting the Michigan law. Michigan, like Wisconsin, relies on jury instructions when considering criminal charges.  Michigan Model Criminal Jury Instruction 16.10 indicates the elements of…


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