Criminal penalties: If you find yourself in a situation where you can act to prevent either bodily harm or great bodily harm to a child, and you do noting, you can be punished. Remember, if the actions you fail to prevent could result in bodily harm to the child, you could face up to 6…
CONTINUE READINGEntrapment is one of the most commonly known defenses to criminal liability. But, what does it actually mean? And when does it apply? In this blog post, criminal defense attorney Benjamin Van Severen explains what entrapment is. He also explains common crimes where entrapment can be used. Procedure for the Entrapment Defense The accepted definition…
CONTINUE READINGIf you have been arrested for Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) for the first time, you may be curious as to just how much trouble you are really in. It’s possible that you know someone (or even multiple people) who have gotten an OWI and seem to have come out on the other side relatively unscathed….