Category: Criminal Trial

Terrorist Threats Law

A new law signed into effect by Governor Scott Walker on March 30 might soon get put to use.  The law, which essentially expands the breadth of the current bomb scares law, is titled “Terrorist Threats” and is codified in § 947.019 of the Wisconsin Statutes.  The statute states that whoever threatens to cause death…


Municipal Citations

What do you do if you receive a municipal citation?  Is it worth fighting?  Do I even need an attorney?  The attorneys at Van Severen Law Office believe that there’s always something worth fighting for, even if it’s just a seemingly minor municipal citation. Court date information Nearly every officer in the state uses the Wisconsin…


Grand jury’s decision in Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson – How Wisconsin grand juries work

Grand jury proceedings are secret: Although grand jury proceedings are secret, they’re usually more relaxed than something like the preliminary hearing.  The secret nature of the grand jury proceeding encourages witnesses to provide truthful information without fear of retaliation.  In the event of a witness refusing to testify, frequently the government will provide immunity to…


The Castle Doctrine

Clarification of the Castle Doctrine: At least one case helped clarify the castle doctrine.  In State v. Chew, the Court of Appeals was tasked with determining whether the doctrine applied (whether a jury instruction should be given) when Mr. Chew fired shots from the hall in his apartment and the doorway of the apartment building…


What is a preliminary hearing?

The timing of the preliminary hearing in felony cases: Section 970.03(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes describes the timing involved.  The preliminary hearing must be conducted within 20 days after the initial appearance if the defendant was released from custody.  It must be held within 10 days after the initial appearance if the defendant’s bail was…

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