Category: Public Order

Where can felons work in Wisconsin?

You were convicted of a felony.  Now you’re wondering – where can felons work in Wisconsin?  (And the United States?) Whether and where felons can work is a polarizing topic for discussion.  Some people believe that it’s appropriate to ban felons from working for the rest of their lives.  These individuals think that a mistake…


Can felons vote in elections in Wisconsin?

What is voter disenfranchisement? Voter disenfranchisement refers to the practice of restricting or denying someone’s ability to vote.  Voter disenfranchisement can take many forms, including things we all share, like gender and age.  In other countries around the world, voter disenfranchisement is sometimes based on ethnicity or the area within a country an individual resides. …


Voter intimidation: what’s advocating for your candidate, and when is it criminal?

What if you’re just causing a ruckus about the election? Let’s consider an example.  You’re out for a night on Brady Street and after a few drinks you decide that you really, really need to start chanting the last name of your favorite politician.  Sure, it’s annoying, but this conduct isn’t necessarily criminal yet.  But…


What happens when you run from the police in Wisconsin?

What happens when you run from police on foot?  Resisting an officer – Section 946.41 of the Wisconsin Statutes Section 946.41 of the Wisconsin Statutes is titled “resisting or obstructing an officer.  Obstructing an officer generally applies to situations where and individual intentionally lies or misleads the police.  But resisting an officer applies to situations…


Is it safe for me to go hunting while intoxicated? Can I be arrested?

Endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon: operating or going armed with a firearm while under the influence of an intoxicant – Wis. Stat. 941.20(1)(b) Also called endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon, section 941.20(1)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes prohibits using or going armed with a firearm while under the influence of…


Presenting a fake vaccine card: What state crimes have I committed?

Potential state charge: forgery Firstly, state prosecutors could start off with forgery charges.  Forgery is a Class A misdemeanor, meaning the maximum penalty is 9 months jail, $10,000.00 in fines, or both.  A Class A misdemeanor is only a misdemeanor, but it’s the most serious one.  9 months in jail is certainly a long time,…


Gambling in Wisconsin

Is gambling legal in Wisconsin?  What is the definition of gambling?  What penalties do you face if charged?  This post will answer these and other questions about gambling in Wisconsin. Gambling – What is it? Gambling in Wisconsin is regulated in Section 945 of the Wisconsin Statutes.  First, we need to define a few terms. …


Is catfishing illegal in Wisconsin?

Catfishing - is it legal?  What's the state of the law? Catfishing describes deceptive conduct used by individuals to form relationships with other people online.  Frequently, the perpetrator lures the victim into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona.  Catfishing frequently describes online dating situations.  But it can cover plenty of other virtual...CONTINUE READING

When Obstructing isn’t Obstructing

Obstructing an officer is a crime in Wisconsin.  Citizens are not allowed to obstruct an officer doing any act in his official capacity and with lawful authority.  This includes knowingly giving false information to an officer.  But what if you simply refuse to give an officer information?  What if you don’t tell an officer your...CONTINUE READING

Impersonating a Peace Officer

Remember the childhood game of cops and robbers?  One person would dress up as the cop and the other would be the bandit.  It was a harmless game.  But did you know that Wisconsin law makes it illegal to impersonate a peace officer?  This post will examine the point where a fun game crosses the…

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