Tag: drug crime

Drug crime defense

Are you a student?  And are you receiving federal financial aid? Successfully defending drug cases is of special importance to students receiving federal student aid.  Those students face a potential loss of student aid if convicted of certain drug offenses.  If you’ve already been convicted of drug crime and have lost eligibility for financial aid,…


Possession of drug paraphernalia defense

Call (414) 270-0202 for possession of drug paraphernalia defense from top Milwaukee defense firm Van Severen Law Office Possession of drug paraphernalia is a crime in Wisconsin.  While other drug offenses typically focus on the drug, a paraphernalia charge focuses on the other “stuff.”  Drug paraphernalia is described Wisconsin Jury Instruction Criminal 5050 as “all…


Keeping or maintaining a drug trafficking place defense

What is keeping or maintaining a drug trafficking place? Section 961.42 of the Wisconsin Statutes prohibits keeping or maintaining a drug trafficking place.  This sections says: “It is unlawful for any person knowingly to keep or maintain any store, shop, warehouse, dwelling, building, vehicle, boat, aircraft or other structure or place, which is resorted to…


Possession with intent to manufacture, distribute, or deliver a controlled substance

Contact criminal defense firm Van Severen Law Office about your drug case.  (414) 270-0202. Possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance cases are hard to swallow.  If you’re caught in the wrong area, with the wrong amount of currency in your possession, with any amount of drugs, you could be accused of committing this crime.  Circumstantial…


Manufacture, Distribution, or Delivery of a Controlled Substance Defense

Contact defense law firm Van Severen Law Office immediately about your drug case.  (414) 270-0202 If you’re being accused of manufacturing, distributing, or delivering a controlled substance you should have a criminal defense attorney on your side.  At Van Severen Law Office we focus 100% of our resources on criminal defense.  If you come to us for…


Possession of a controlled substance defense

Contact Van Severen Law Office regarding your possession of a controlled substance case. (414) 270-0202 Criminal defense law firm Van Severen Law Office defends possession of a controlled substance cases.  Whether you’ve been accused of possession of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, or any other substance, we can help you.  Our criminal defense lawyers have defended all possession…

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