Tag: sexual assault

Bestiality defense – Wis. Stat. 944.18

Bestiality is a crime throughout the United States.  If you’re facing this charge in Wisconsin, contact Van Severen Law Office, S.C. for help Bestiality and zoophilia are words that describe various forms of sexually abusing an animal.  In March of 2020, Governor Tony Evers signed a law that increased penalties for this crime from misdemeanors…


Fourth degree sexual assault – Wis. Stat. 940.225(3m)

What about the elements? If you’ve been to court and watched various court proceedings, perhaps you’ve heard reference to the elements of an offense.  Elements are parts of a crime.  The government must prove each of the parts beyond a reasonable doubt.  And importantly, if the government fails to satisfy that burden for each element,…


Sexual assault defense

Van Severen Law Office, S.C. represents individuals throughout Wisconsin facing sexual assault charges.  Contact us at (414) 270-0202 to be connected with one of our top attorneys. Facing a sexual assault or sex crime charge is one of the most frightening situations a defendant faces in the Wisconsin criminal justice system.  The penalties are serious,…


Human trafficking defense – Wis. Stat. 940.302(2)(a)

What is human trafficking? Human trafficking refers to using another human to commit commercial sex acts or other services.  The method by which traffickers depends on the case, and includes a long list of various methods of control.  Section 940.302(2)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes prohibits human trafficking, in the Class D felony version of the…


Wisconsin statutory rape defense lawyers

Wisconsin has no law titled “statutory rape.”  But what is it?  And do we have anything similar? Statutory rape occurs when an adult has sex with a minor, that minor consented to the sex, and no force, violence, or threats occurred.  The reason criminal justice professionals refer to this charge as rape is because the…


Sexual gratification in public – Wis. Stat. 944.17(2)

Section 944.17 of the Wisconsin Statutes – Sexual Gratification in Public Section 944.17 of the Wisconsin Statutes prohibits sexual gratification in public.  The law says: (1) In this section, “in public” means in a place where or in a manner such that the person knows or has reason to know that his or her conduct is…


Production of child pornography defense attorneys – 948.05

Production of child pornography – Wis. Stat. 948.05(1m) Section 948.05(1m) of the Wisconsin Statutes prohibits production of child pornography: (1m) Whoever produces, performs in, profits from, promotes, imports into the state, reproduces, advertises, sells, distributes, or possesses with intent to sell or distribute, any recording of a child engaging in sexually explicit conduct may be penalized…


Patronizing a child defense attorneys – 948.081

What does the law say? At this point, it makes sense to take a look at what the law actually says.  Section 948.081 of the Wisconsin Statutes prohibits patronizing a child.  The law says: … An actor who enters or remains in any place of prostitution with intent to have nonmarital sexual intercourse or to commit…


Child sex offender working with children defense

What is a child sex offender working with children charge? Section 948.13(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes prohibits child sex offenders from working with children.  The law indicates: (a) … whoever has been convicted of a serious child sex offense and subsequently engages in an occupation or participates in a volunteer position that requires him or her…


Sexual assault of a child by a person who works or volunteers with children

What is sexual assault of a child by a person who works or volunteers with children? Section 948.095(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes prohibits sexual assault of a child by a person who works or volunteers with children.  The law says: (a) A person who has attained the age of 21 years and who engages in…

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